Medical Billing Services

Healthcare providers are losing significant revenue annually due to several reasons such as inaccurate coding, insufficient documentation, billing and collections mistakes, failure to monitor the medical claims process from beginning to end and not staying updated with industry changes. The optimization of the medical billing process is thus essential to ensure long-term, sustained operations for healthcare providers to maximize reimbursement, increase accuracy, and avoid audits. From streamlining the collections process to eliminating reimbursement denials, all while satisfying HIPAA requirements, adds a lot of complexity to medical billing.

We are here to keep up with your needs! 3Gen is a leading medical billing services company delivering a comprehensive range of medical billing solutions to healthcare organizations. When you outsource to us, we aim to deliver the best-in-class medical billing services, which enables providers to accelerate its pace of revenue generation, increase overall efficiency, and reduce operational costs.

With our medical billing services, our clients are able to save up to 52% of overall expenses!

The 3Gen Advantage

Are you struggling to stay updated on the constantly changing medical billing regulations? Does your organization need help to reduce denials and improve cash flow? Is your staff overly pressed for time? Consider outsourcing to 3Gen Consulting, a leading medical billing services company, to get access to cost-effective medical billing solutions and improve your chances of error-free claims submission. Still not convinced? Here are some additional reasons to highlight the 3Gen Consulting medical billing services difference.

We Understand The Nuances Of The Healthcare Industry

Navigating through an increasingly complex medical billing environment is tough. For optimal reimbursement, it is important to adapt processes to the changing healthcare regulatory environment. Our team is regularly trained in the changes of the healthcare industry, which in turn results in updated medical billing processes for you to remain in compliance.

You Get Access To Qualified And Skilled Resources

Healthcare providers are struggling with blows to their reimbursement — all because it’s challenging to find enough qualified professionals to get their claims out the door in an efficient, timely manner. We provide you with access to skilled and experienced billing professionals, including subject matter experts in the form of account managers, who deliver results that will maximize your organization’s performance and ensure your cashflows are uninterrupted.

Our Customers Come First

We echo the “customer first” sentiment. We customize our solutions for you and optimize your approach to medical billing to improve clean claim rate, reduce denials and increase cash flow. You get to focus on your patients’ health, while we focus on your financial health.

Result Oriented and Performance Driven Approach

Implementing a streamlined and an error-free medical billing process is a complex task. We leverage our years of experience and knowledge to create strategies that help your organization realize maximized revenue. In short, we get you paid faster and more efficiently.

Transform Your Medical Billing With 3Gen's Solutions

It is important to find the best medical billing company who understands the intricacies of the reimbursement process. Medical billing services are a complex mix of moving parts and requires strong technical skills, excellent attention to detail and vast experience – all things we possess! Our people, processes and spirit of innovation ensures that we provide the best practices in the healthcare revenue cycle management industry. As a medical billing agency, our medical billing services include efficiently capturing charges to generate claims, accurately coding those claims and correctly submitting them to the right payer.

Medical Billing Services

We check eligibility with the patient’s insurance provider to ensure they qualify for a service. Verifying eligibility and obtaining prior authorization is vital as it provides a clear understanding regarding insurance coverage and patient’s responsibility to pay. This in turn helps providers submit clean claims, minimize denials, reduce write-offs and increase collections.

Our eligibility verification & prior authorization services include:

  • Verifying coverage on all primary and secondary payers
  • Determining prior authorization requirements
  • Placing pre-authorization requests for the provider and explaining medical necessity
  • Following up on the pre-authorization requests
  • Notifying the healthcare provider on approval or denial prior to the patient’s appointment

Patient demographics entry is a critical step in generating an insurance claim. Incorrect demographic information is one of the leading causes for claim denials. Similarly, accurate charge capture will reduce instances of revenue loss.

Our patient demographics & charge entry services include:

  • Capturing demographic details including patient, guarantor and insurance details
  • Capturing date and place of service, billing provider details, referring provider, admission date, prior authorization number, CPT/procedure codes, diagnosis code, modifiers and number of units
  • Charge audits

Medical coding is a crucial component of the revenue cycle process. It is imperative that rendered services are coded correctly. This includes the appropriate use of CPT, HCPCS, ICD codes and modifiers. With the vast expertise that our medical coders bring, we are able to efficiently and accurately code services in compliance with guidelines. We pride ourselves to have a separate audit team who specialize in comprehensive review of the services coded.

Our medical coding services include:

  • Facility and professional coding
  • Compliance with current CPT, HCPCS, ICD code sets and modifiers
  • DRG validation
  • Coding denial management
  • Coding audits
  • Risk adjustment coding
  • Quality checks prior to charge entry

We carefully scrutinize each EOB/ERA from insurance companies and make adjustments accordingly. Our team posts payments, co-insurance and deductibles and makes insurance adjustments. Additionally, we do secondary claims submission and patient statements. Denials are assigned to the denial management team for further pursuit.

Our payment posting services include:

  • Electronic payment posting
  • Manual payment posing
  • Patient payment posting
  • Denial posting

A/R follow-up is vital after claim submission. It identifies the adjudication status of the submitted claim and helps in understanding the claim outcome. Early notification of a denial helps correct the claim at the initial stage and saves it from becoming ‘untimely’ for appeals or corrections.

Our accounts receivable management services include:

  • Following up across all payers on all outstanding A/R
  • Inherited A/R clean-up projects
  • Underpayment management
  • Denial management
  • Preparing appeals quickly
  • A/R resolution and strategies through detailed analysis

This is one of the most critical verticals of the revenue cycle process. A major portion of revenue is stuck here in the form of denied claims and requires additional attention. We have a dedicated team for denial management who are experienced in identifying different types of denials and providing corrective action for them. We send out periodic reports to providers by identifying common denial types and ways to avoid it for future submission.

Our denial management services include:

  • Reviewing of EOBs/ERAs to identify denials
  • Contacting insurance companies to gather additional information
  • Preparing appeals, correcting claim information and resubmitting correct claims

Credit balances can be a significant compliance risk if not managed well. Credit balances result from overpayment from insurance companies or excess payment by patients. Thus, credit balance resolution is essential to remain in compliance, clean A/R and also improve patient satisfaction.

Our credit balance resolution services include:

  • Identifying and analyzing credit balances
  • Correcting errors in a timely manner
  • Generating patient/insurance refund letters

Our Performance Benchmarks & Delivery Capability*

*Based on current client experience. Outcomes vary by client.

100% charges captured and billed

Over 95% accuracy

24 hour turnaround time

Monthly closures on time

Who We Help

Home Health Providers


Hospitals & Health Systems

Physician Groups

Radiology Groups

Pathology Groups

Durable Medical


Telemedicine Providers

Medical Billing Companies

Platform Experience

(including, but not limited to)

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