Denial Management Just Got Even Harder – And it Might Be Time to Rethink Your Revenue Cycle Management Services

Denial management – the full process of identifying denied claims, reviewing, resolving them, and increasing the efficiency of the process – has always been important to the healthcare revenue cycle. Many providers outsource the denial portion of their revenue cycle management services to revenue cycle management companies for efficiency, especially as the process

8 Signs You Should Invest in a Medical Coding Audit before 2024

All the change in healthcare over the recent years has unfortunately meant new opportunities for abuses of medical billing. This kind of fraud and misuse puts providers at risk financially and ultimately jeopardizes the quality of care you can provide in the long term. Many providers who have realized this understand that now is a good time to consider investing in medical coding audits. If you begin the process now,

Medical Coding Audit Prevention for 2024

Medical Coding Audit Prevention for 2024

With Q4 of 2023 coming around the corner, it’s time to start looking at plans for 2024. It might not seem like it should make your short list of priorities, but medical coding audits should be on the mind of your leadership team today – specifically looking for ways to get in front of them. 

Healthcare providers will be in a much better position next year if they take the remainder of 2023 to step back, look for current issues, and devise ways to prevent and respond.

CFPB Medical Billing

CFPB Medical Billing Changes Mean a Need to Focus on Insurance

Government actions often mean that providers need to adjust how they address medical billing – recent news out of the White House is no different. 

The federal government has long been trying to address the state of patient payments and medical billing services and has made new moves in terms of credit cards and financing. For providers, this could mean a direct impact to your cash flows and a need to look for stability from

Physician Medical Billing Is Critical to Practice Health

Why A New Look at Physician Medical Billing Is Critical to Practice Health

Challenges in physician medical billing have changed. 

From the impact of a pandemic, to shifts in government, to changes in patient demographics, practices have seen the factors that shape their physician billing services turn upside down in recent years. This means that many practices are in a position of playing “catch up” in their physician billing services. But while the

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