Anesthesiology & Pain Management

Anesthesiology is concerned with the perioperative care of patients before, during and after surgery. Not only is an anesthesia provider responsible for developing anesthetic plans, administering anesthetics and the overall medical and pain management during surgery, but is also responsible for the optimization of a patient’s medical condition for a safe outcome. It’s safe to say that the job of an anesthesiologist is not easy. Dealing with the challenging aspects of anesthesia and pain management billing is definitely not an added responsibility that a provider needs. So, why not consider outsourcing to an anesthesia billing company?

3Gen offers robust anesthesia and pain management billing services to establish a high-performance revenue cycle and generate healthier cash flows for providers. We understand that there are different levels of anesthesia providers including, Anesthesiologists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) & Anesthesiologist Assistants (AA), and have the expertise to bill for their services correctly to maximize reimbursement. We are committed to optimizing our clients’ approach to billing by leveraging our resources to achieve their financial goals.

Anesthesia Revenue Cycle Management Services

Our experienced anesthesia medical billing team provides the expertise needed to optimize financial performance. We handle all aspects of the anesthesia billing process to ensure claims are coded and billed efficiently and in compliance.

Eligibility Verification & Prior Authorization

Demographics & Charge

Anesthesia Coding & Coding Audits

Anesthesia Billing

Accounts Receivable & Denial Management

Clinical Documentation Improvement

The 3Gen Advantage

We bring the experience and expertise required for anesthesia and pain management billing & coding to help improve providers’ revenue cycle, transform their business processes and achieve financial excellence. We are confident in this thanks to our team of specialists who are successful in processing claims and improving efficiency. Still not convinced? Here are some additional reasons to highlight the 3Gen anesthesia billing service difference.

We help identify the most efficient and cost-effective ways to improve anesthesia billing performance using data analytics. Our objective is to deliver a clear path for anesthesia providers’ journey to clinical, operational, and financial success.

Our anesthesiology billing specialists conduct in-depth claims analysis to identify process gaps and highlight possible areas for improvement. Due to our ongoing monitoring of reimbursement trends, we are able to build a reimbursement model that is customized to an anesthesiology practice’s needs to ensure healthy cash flows.

Our audit team consistently monitor claims throughout the anesthesia medical billing process to ensure quality and compliance are met and clean claims are submitted. Discover where your practice stands in terms of documentation, billing and compliance by reaching out to us for an audit.

We help determine the processes and resources required to strengthen an anesthesia provider’s financials. As part of our approach to continuously improve, we continually adapt our business processes to improve efficiencies and adjust to the changing regulatory environment, to ensure our clients have a strong anesthesia billing process for maximized reimbursements.

Anesthesia & Pain Management Type Experience

Topical infiltration

Local anesthesia

Monitored anesthesia care (MAC)

General anesthesia

Metacarpal/Metatarsal/Digital blocks

Regional anesthesia (peripheral nerve blocks, epidural or spinal anesthesia)

Anesthesia Billing Requirements

Revenue cycle mistakes are expensive. Anesthesiologists run the risk of losing thousands of dollars if their anesthesia billing services are not efficient and effective. One of the most challenging aspects of anesthesia billing is the documentation of records. We understand the importance of coding accurately, using the right modifiers, reporting qualifying circumstances and physical status modifiers and properly calculating time for anesthesia services. Documentation is therefore key for accurate anesthesia medical billing. Here’s what anesthesia providers need to know about the documentation of records.

Pre-Anesthesia Assessment

  • The pre-operative review is completed by the anesthesia provider and consists of a comprehensive review of the patient’s and family’s medical history, assessment of the patient’s physical condition and risk factors to calculate the required dosage of anesthetics.

Anesthesia Report

The anesthesia sheet involves the documentation of the following:

  • Base Units: Reflects the complexity and skilled required in providing the anesthetic service. More complex procedures earn a higher value of base units.
  • Monthly Sequential BillingTime Units: Reflects the time spent administering anesthetic or monitoring the patient’s condition before, during and after surgery.
  • Modifiers: Used to identify the anesthesia provider, identify MAC services (when appropriate) and assign the appropriate physical status.

Post-Anesthesia Assessment

  • The post-operative review is done by the anesthesia provider and the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) team by rendering appropriate pain-block services after surgery and evaluating that the patient did not suffer any complications as a result of the anesthesia delivered.
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